Business Opportunities with Illinois Tollway
Doing Business with the Illinois Tollway
Transparency, accountability, diversity and efficiency are the driving forces behind the Tollway's business operations, ensuring outcomes that exceed customer expectations.
The links on this page serve as a pathway toward working as a part of our team.
The Illinois Tollway provides a training video for contractors who want to learn more about how to do business with Tollway.
The Illinois Tollway hosts Illinois Tollway Quarterly (ITQ) meetings to pr
How Can We Help You?
Business Opportunities
Construction Bidding/Letting |
Goods and Services Solicitations |
Job Order Contracting |
Professional Services Bulletins |
Other Opportunities
Auctions |
Blue Board Signage |
Online Plan Room |
Tower and Fiber Leasing |
Vehicles, Equipment and Surplus Inventory
The Illinois Tollway, in partnership with the State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services, utilizes the iBid Illinois website for selling Tollway vehicles and miscellaneous surplus inventory.
Illinois Tollway directors, employees, consultants, their spouses, children or any person having any direct involvement with the disposition of Illinois Tollway surplus property may not bid on or purchase Illinois Tollway property. Furthermore, employees of the State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services or any other person possessing personal or first-hand information regarding the condition of any item available for auction on the iBid Illinois website are prohibited from bidding.
iBid Illinois inventory is added regularly.
Vehicle Recovery and Towing Services
Clearing of disabled vehicles from the roadway and other sensitive areas is critical to maintaining a safe roadway system.
To accomplish this, the Tollway established two programs:
- Vehicle Recovery Service Program
- Towing and Road Service
Formal policy guidelines are established with qualified towing and vehicle recovery operators located throughout the Illinois Tollway system. These operators provide quick and efficient response to clearing the road due to a disabled vehicle, crash or other incident.
The formal policy guidelines define the duties and responsibilities of towing and vehicle recovery operators authorized to service the Illinois Tollway. All qualified service vehicles bear an authorization sticker. The policy guidelines also identify the maximum rates that can be charged for services. Performance of towing and vehicle recovery firms is audited by the Illinois Tollway. This ensures compliance with policy guidelines, as well as safe, quick and courteous service to Tollway customers.
The Tollway system covers 294 miles of roadway across 12 counties. Authorized road service providers are established within specific zones.
Motorists may call for their own service, as long as their vehicle is not blocking a live traffic lane or in an unsafe position.
Qualified companies interested in participating in these programs should first submit a letter of interest to:
Tollway Incident Manager, Maintenance and Traffic Division
2700 Ogden Avenue
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Vehicle Recovery Service Application and Program Information
Applications to provide vehicle recovery services are now being accepted for the Illinois Tollway's Vehicle Recovery Program. For more information about the Tollway's Vehicle Recovery Service Program, please contact 630-241-6800 Ext 4904.
Please note: This includes the same requirements as the agreement posted in 2014.
The application and agreement for the Recovery Service Program are available below.
Application and Process Recovery Agreement
Towing Program Information
For more details on the rules, regulations and overall program requirements, refer to the following documents.
- Towing and Road Service Operator Agreement
- Light Duty Tow Zones
- Medium and Heavy Duty Tow Zones
- Tollway Towing Rates
To share any compliments or complaints regarding services received from authorized towing and vehicle recovery operators, contact us at 630-241-6800 Ext 3904 or Leave Feedback About Our Roadway.