Active Contracts

The list below serves as a repository for PDFs of active contracts with the Tollway.

Contract listings will be updated regularly.

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Active Contracts
RR-20-9228_CN_Aldridge Electric-Sign Panel Fabrication and Installation Upon Request - Systemwide_02182021 Construction
RR-20-9225_CN_Aldridge Electric, Inc-Part 2-Sign Panel Fabrication and Installation Upon Request Systemwide_08202020 Construction
RR-20-9225_CN_Aldridge Electric, Inc-Part 1-Sign Panel Fabrication and Installation Upon Request Systemwide_08202020 Construction
RR-20-4547_CN_Utility Dynamics Corp-Roadway Lighting Upgrades and LED Retrofit Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) between Mile Post 12.0 (East Riverside Boulevard) and 17.85 (I-90/I-39 Interchange)_02012021 Construction
RR-20-4545_CN_K-Five Construction Corporation-Systemwide Pavement Repairs - Concrete Repairs - Systemwide; Asphalt Repairs - Tri-State Tollway (I-294) between Mile Post 17.0 (95th Street) to Mile Post 40.0 (Balmoral Avenue)_11192020 Construction
RR-20-4538R_CN_Herlihy Mid-Continent Company-Structural Repairs and Noise Abatement Wall Reconstruction Tri-State Tollway (I-94) MP 11.6 to MP 25.28_04012021 Construction
RR-20-4530_CN_Martam Construction Inc-Tri-State Tollway (I-294) Retaining and noise wall rehabilitation and extension_07272020 Construction
RR-20-4525_CN_Agreement-CKLEngineersLLC-Systemwide, Construction Management Services Upon Request. On-call and as-needed Construction Management Services._12072020 Construction Management
RR-19-9219_CN_Agreement-AtlasEngGrp-Design Upon Request - Systemwide Non Roadway. On-call, and as-needed Phase II Engineering Services_04302020 Design
RR-19-9218_CN_Agreement-Arcadis U.S-Construction Management Upon Request – Systemwide Non Roadway. On-call, and as-needed Construction Management Services Inc._03092020 Construction Management
RR-19-9216_CN_A C Pavement Striping Company-System Wide Pavement Marking_09162019 Construction
RR-19-4509_CN_Foundation Mechanics, LLC-Grading and Drainage Modifications, Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) at IL 47, MP 46.4_06172020 Construction
RR-19-4504_CN_Meru Corporation-Grading Improvements Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90), East State Street, Mile Post 15.40_08112020 Construction
RR-19-4503_CN_Curran Contracting Company-Eastbound Pavement and Structural Preservation and Rehabilitation, Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90), Rockton Road to Kishwaukee River Bridge (MP 2.6 to MP 18.3)__05132020 Construction
RR-19-4502_CN_Civil Constructors, Inc-Crossroad Structural Preservation and Rehabilitation, Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90), Rockton Road to I-39, M.P. 2.6 to M.P. 17.85_05082020 Construction
RR-19-4501_CN_Enlight Contracting, LLC-Miscellaneous Drainage and Environmental Repairs Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88) Mile Post 45.5 (Union Pacific Railroad) to Mile Post 136.4 (Midwest Road)_04232020 Construction
RR-19-4489_CN_The George Sollitt Construction Company-M-16 Maintenance Facility and Site Improvements, Elgin -O'Hare Western Access (IL-390) 830 Thomas Drive , Bensenville, IL M-1 Maintenance Facility (Truck Wash), Tri-State Tollway (I-294) - Mile Post 12.3. _04062020 Construction
RR-19-4487_CN_William Charles Construction Company, LLC-Westbound Pavement and Structural Preservation and Rehabilitation and Toll Plaza 2 Improvements, Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) Rockton Road to Kishwaukee River Bridge (Mile Post 2.6 To Mile Post 18.3)_05112020 Construction
RR-19-4480_CN_InterraInc-Agreement-Geotechnical Services Upon Request. On-call and as-needed Geotechnical Services._05012020 Design
RR-19-4474_CN_Plote Construction, Inc.-Pavement and Structure Reconstruction and Rehabilitation - Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88) - Mile Post 118.06 to Mile Post 123.46 - Station 6250+19.89 to Station 6534+22.25._01292020 Construction
RR-19-4472_CN_Lizzette Medina Landscape Management-Landscape Planting Improvements Tri-State Tollway (I-94) Illinois Route 173 to Illinois Route 120 Mile Post 1.50 to Mile Post 11.50_10152020_Construction
RR-19-4470_CN_K-Five Construction Corporation-Intermittent Pavement Repairs - Tri-State Tollway (I-294) - Mile Post 17.7 to 36.9 and Elgin-O'Hare Tollway (I-390) - Mile Post 7.6 to 11.2._09162019 Construction
RR-19-4461_CN_American Veteran Industries LLC-Bravo Company Engineering-Agreement-Facilities, Construction Management Services Upon Request. On-call, and as-needed Construction Management Services._05012020 Construction Management
RR-19-4460_CN_AAA Engineering-Agreement-Facilities, Design Services Upon Request. On-call, and as-needed Phase II Engineering Services._12162019 Design
RR-19-4451_CN_F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Assoc., LLC-Pavement and Structural Preservation and Rehabilitation, Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88), Mile Post 113.6 (Illinois Route 56) to Mile Post 123.9 (East of Illinois Route 59)_05172019 Construction
RR-19-4450_CN_Lorig Construction Company- South Tri-State Accident Repairs. Tri-State Tollway (I-294) Mile Post 3.2 to Mile Post 14.7 and SN 124 Removal._06192019 Construction
RR-18-9212_CN_Oak Brook Mechl Svcs Inc-Cooling Tower & Chiller Replacement Central Administration Building, Veterans Memorial tollway (I-355) Mile Post 19.80_07182019 Construction
RR-18-9210_CN_SRF Consulting-Singh Agreement-Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Services Upon Request. On-call and as-needed Intelligent Transportation System services._11292018 Design
RR-18-9015_CN_Kristine Fallon Agreement-Document and Process Control Management Services._05242018 Control Management
RR-18-4448_CN_Semper Fi Yard Services, Inc.-Miscellaneous Drainage and Environmental Repairs and Improvements along I-90, Jane Addams Tollway Mile Post 15.90, 21.90, 22.17, 22.22, 24.07, 54.60, & 54.70._03152019 Construction
RR-18-4445_CN_W.E. O'Neil Construction Company-M-8 Maintenance Facility and Site Improvements. Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88) Mile Post 117.8._08132019 Construction
RR-18-4444_CN_Semper Fi Yard Services, Inc.-Landscape Planting Improvements Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90). Mile Post 13.00 (East Riverside Boulevard) to Mile Post 25.40 (East of Genoa Road)._07242019 Construction
RR-18-4443_CN_Cardinal State, LLC-Landscaping Planting Improvements - Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) - Plaza 1 to East Riverside Blvd - Mile Post 3.3 to Mile Post 13._07012019 Construction
RR-18-4441_CN_Dunnet Bay Construction Co.-Noise Abatement Wall Construction - North Tri-State Tollway (I-294) - Southbound over Central Road at Mile Post 46.1 - Northbound over Ballard Road at Mile Post 44.9._02012019 Construction
RR-18-4435_CN_Collins-Agreement-Jane Addams Memorial Tollway, Pavement and Bridge Preservation M.P. 2.6 (Rockton Road) to M.P. 18.3 (Kishwaukee River Bridge), Construction Management_10292019 Construction Management
RR-18-4434_CN_Infrastructure Engineering Agreement-I-88 and Systemwide, Construction Management Services Upon Request_04252019 Construction Management
RR-18-4425_CN_Madison Construction-M-2 Maintenance Facility Renovation and Addition, Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Mile Post 29.5_02012019 Construction
RR-18-4418_CN_Lizzette Medina & Co. dba Lizzette Medina Landscape Management-Landscaping Planting Improvements - Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88), IL 251 Interchange_11212018 Construction
RR-18-4410_CN_Wang Engineering Agreement- Geotechnical Services Upon Request. On-call and as-needed. Systemwide_11292018 Design
RR-18-4383_CN_Christopher B Burke Engineering-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, 95th Street to Balmoral Avenue, Planning Studies Upon Request. On-call and as-needed Phase I Engineering Services for Planning Studies and Master Plan Services._07052018 Design
RR-18-4382_CN_Agreement-STV-Tri-State Tollway, Stearns School Road Bridge Reconstruction (M.P. 7.5). Phase II Engineering Services._10032018 Design
RR-18-4382_CN_1st Supplement Agreement-STV-Tri-State Tollway, Stearns School Road Bridge Reconstruction (M.P. 7.5). Phase II Engineering Services._10212019 Design
RR-18-4382_CN_Agreement-Atlas-Tri-State Tollway, Stearns School Road Bridge Reconstruction, M.P. 7.5, Construction Management_11042019 Construction Management
RR-18-4379_CN_Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions Agreement- Reagan Memorial Tollway, Roadway and Bridge Rehabilitation, M.P. 117.8 (Aurora Toll Plaza) to M.P. 123.4 (IL 59). Phase II Engineering Services._07262018 Design
RR-18-4379_CN_Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions 1st Supplemental Agreement-Reagan Memorial Tollway, Roadway and Bridge Rehabilitation, M.P. 117.8 (Aurora Toll Plaza) to M.P. 123.4 (IL 59). Phase II Engineering Services. _05212019 Design
RR-18-4377_CN_Ardmore Roderick Agreement-Systemwide, Maintenance Facilities, Construction Management Services Upon Request. On-call and as-needed Construction Management Services_07262018 Construction Management
RR-18-4360_CN_Cotter Consulting, Inc. Agreement-Systemwide, Construction Management Upon Request. On call and as-needed Construction Management Services._05242018 Construction Management
RR-18-4355_CN_EJM Engineering Inc TranSmart Technologies Inc-TM-Agreement-Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Services Upon Request. On call and as-needed Phase II Engineering Services and Construction Management Services_06052018 Design
RR-18-4354_CN_2IM Group Agreement-Systemwide, Design and Construction Management Services for Landscape Services Upon Request. On call and as-needed Phase II Engineering Services and Construction Management Services_05242018 Design and Construction Management
RR-18-4353_CN_CrawfordMurphyTillyInc-1stSupplementalAgreement-_Systemwide, Design Upon Request. On call and as-needed Phase II Engineering Services_04282020 Design
RR-18-4353_CN_AgreementCrawfordMurphyTilly-_Systemwide, Design Upon Request. On call and as-needed Phase II Engineering Services_05242018 Design
RR-17-9199_CN_E.R. Bakey, Inc.-South Parking Lot Improvements, Central Administration Building, 2700 West Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove IL, Veterans Memorial Tollway (I-355) at M.P. 19.8_08142017 Construction
RR-17-4330_CN_Allied Landscaping Corporation-Landscape Planting Improvements, Veterans Memorial Tollway (I-355) from M.P. 12.2 to M.P. 19.85_01192018 Construction
RR-17-4329_CN_Allied Landscaping Corporation-Landscape Planting Improvements, Veterans Memorial Tollway (I-355) from M.P. 2.65 to M.P 11.4509072017 Construction
RR-17-4328_CN_Semper Fi Yard Services, Inc.-Landscape Planting Improvements, Veterans Memorial Tollway (I-355) from M.P. 0.0 to M.P. 2.65_01042018 Construction
RR-17-4314_CN_SupplementalAgreement-ApexConsulting-Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Pavement and Structural Preservation and Rehabilitation, M.P. 40.0 (Balmoral Ave) to M.P. 52.9 (Lake Cook Road). Construction Management Services_05162019 Construction Management
RR-17-4314_CN_Agreement-ApexConsulting-Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Pavement and Structural Preservation and Rehabilitation, M.P. 40.0 (Balmoral Ave) to M.P. 52.9 (Lake Cook Road). Construction Management Services_05242018 Construction Management
RR-17-4295_CN_Chastain-2ndSupplementalAgreement-Veterans Memorial Tollway, Roadway and Bridge Rehabilitation, I-55 (M.P. 12.3) to Army Trail Road (M.P. 29.8). Construction Management Services._09022020 Construction Management
RR-17-4295_CN_Chastain1stSupplementalAgreement-Veterans Memorial Tollway, Roadway and Bridge Rehabilitation, I-55 (M.P. 12.3) to Army Trail Road (M.P. 29.8). Construction Management Services._08052019 Construction Managment
RR-17-4295_CN_AgreementChastain-Veterans Memorial Tollway, Roadway and Bridge Rehabilitation, I-55 (M.P. 12.3) to Army Trail Road (M.P. 29.8). Construction Management Services._02222018_Construction Mangement
RR-16-9196_CN_Quantum Spatial Agreement-Aerial Mapping Services Upon Request - Systemwide. Aerial Mapping Services._02222018 Design
RR-16-9194_CN_Parsons Transportation Agreement-ITS Maintenance and Network Deployment Guidance and Support Management Contract _06142017
RR-16-4285_CN_Stenstrom Construction, Inc.-Reconstruction and Site Improvements, M-6 Maintenance Facility, Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) at M.P. 41.9_05112017 Construction
RR-16-4281_CN_2ndSupplementalAgreementGSG-CI-Tri-State Tollway, 159th Street Bridge Reconstruction, M.P. 6.3. Construction Management Services._08192019 Construction Management
RR-16-4281_CN_1stSupplementalAgreementGSG-CI-Tri-State Tollway, 159th Street Bridge Reconstruction, M.P. 6.3. Construction Management Services._04152019 Construction Management
RR-16-4277_CN_TY Lin International Great Lakes Agreement-Tri-State Tollway (I-94), Pavement and Structural Preservation and Rehabilitation, M.P. 21.85 (Half Day Road) to M.P. 25.2 (Lake-Cook Road). Construction Management Services._08232018 Construction Management
RR-16-4275_CN_4275-Agreement-Thomas Eng-Edens Spur (I-94) , Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction, M.P. 25.2 (Tri-State Tollway) to M.P. 30.0 (Edens Expressway). Construction Management Services._05182018 Construction Management
RR-16-4275_CN_1stSupplementAgreement_ThomasEngineering-Edens Spur (I-94) , Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction, M.P. 25.2 (Tri-State Tollway) to M.P. 30.0 (Edens Expressway). Construction Management Services._05232020 Construction Mangement
RR-16-4273_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc.-Pavement and Bridge Repairs and Preservation, Tri-State Tollway (I-294) from M.P. 0.0 to M.P. 8.25_03072017 Construction
RR-16-4267_CN_Agreement Environmental Design Intl-Maintenance Facilities Site Design_05252017 Design
RR-16-4267_CN_1stSupplementalAgreement-Environmental Design-Maintenance Facilities Site Design_050420 Design
RR-16-4267_CN_1stSupplementalAgreement-EnvironmentalDesign-Tri-State Tollway, Design Corridor Management. Project Management and Phase II Engineering._050420 Design
RR-16-4265_CN_Supplemental-AECOM-TechnicalSvcsAgreement-Tri-State Tollway, Design Corridor Management. Project Management and Phase II Engineering._06222017 Design
RR-16-4265_CN_AECOM-TechnicalSvcsAgreement-Tri-State Tollway, Design Corridor Management. Project Management and Phase II Engineering._03232017 Design
RR-16-4265_CN_3rdSupplemental-AECOMTechnicalServicesInc-Tri-State Tollway, Design Corridor Management. Project Management and Phase II Engineering._04302020 Design
RR-16-4258_CN_William Charles Construction Company, LLC-M-7 Reconstruction, Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) at M.P.15.2, Rockford, IL_10032016 Construction
RR-16-4256_CN_Plote Construction, Inc. / Dunnet Bay Construction Co., JV-Roadway and Bridge Rehabilitation, Veterans Memorial Tollway (I-355) Butterfield Road to Army Trail Road, from M.P. 22.3 to M.P. 29.8_04202018 Construction
RR-16-4255_CN_K-Five Construction Corporation/Lorig Construction Co., A Joint Venture-_Roadway and Bridge Rehabilitation, Veterans Memorial Tollway (I-355) from M.P. 12.1 to M.P. 22.305242018 Construction
RR-16-4255_CN_K-Five Construction Corporation/Lorig Construction Co., A Joint Venture Renewal1-Roadway and Bridge Rehabilitation, Veterans Memorial Tollway (I-355) from M.P. 12.1 to M.P. 22.3_10252020 Construction
RR-14-5703_CN_Singh Agreement-Design Upon Request - Systemwide - Move Illinois_05282015 Design
RR-14-4222_CN_Gannett-Fleming-3rdSupplementalAgreement-Tri-State Tollway, Bridge Rehabilitation / Reconstruction, Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad Bridge (MP 26.6)._11132019 Design
RR-14-4222_CN_Gannett-Fleming-2ndSupplementalAgreement-Tri-State Tollway, Bridge Rehabilitation / Reconstruction, Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad Bridge (MP 26.6)_04242019 Design
RR-14-4222_CN_Bowman Barrett 1stSupplement-Tri-State Tollway, Bridge Rehabilitation / Reconstruction, Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad Bridge (MP 26.6)._05292018 Design
RR-14-4222_CN_Agreement Bowman Barrett-Tri-State Tollway, Bridge Rehabilitation / Reconstruction, Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad Bridge (MP 26.6)._07232015 Design
RR-14-4221_CN_HWLochner-HDR-Quigg-1stSupplementalAgreement-Tri-State Tollway, Bridge Rehabilitation / Reconstruction, Mile-Long Bridge (MP 21.5)_03032020 Design
RR-14-4221_CN_Agreement-Lochner-HDR-Quigg-Tri-State Tollway, Bridge Rehabilitation / Reconstruction, Mile-Long Bridge (MP 21.5)_07232015 Design
RR-13-9149_CN_Agreement-David Mason Horner Shifrin-Design Upon Request - Systemwide_01232014 Design
RR-13-4151_CN_Agreement-EJM-Engineering-Design Upon Request - Systemwide_01232014 Design
RR-13-4117_CN_CotterConsultingInc-1stSupplementalAgreement-Reagan Memorial Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, East West Connector_04202020 Construction Management
RR-13-4117_CN_Cotter-Agreement-Reagan Memorial Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, East West Connector_10022017 Construction Management
RR-13-4116_CN_1st Supplemental Agreement-Parsons Transportation-Roadway Reconstruction, Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88), Milepost 138.1 (York Road Plaza) to Milepost 140.5 (I-290)_04272017 Design
RR-13-4116_CN_HRGreenAgreement-Reagan Memorial Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, York Road Plaza (M.P. 138.1) to I-290 (M.P. 140.5). Construction Management Services._10262017 Construction Management
RR-13-4116_CN_AgreementParsonsTransportation-Roadway Reconstruction, Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88), Milepost 138.1 (York Road Plaza) to Milepost 140.5 (I-290)_01232014 Design
RR-13-4116_CN_2ndSupplementalAgreementParsonsTransportation-Roadway Reconstruction, Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88), Milepost 138.1 (York Road Plaza) to Milepost 140.5 (I-290)_08212019 Design
RR-13-4116_CN_-HRGreenAgreement1stSupplement-Reagan Memorial Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, York Road Plaza (M.P. 138.1) to I-290 (M.P. 140.5). Construction Management Services._11132019 Construction Management
RR-12-4079_CN_Agreement Epstein-Maintenance Facilities - Systemwide_02282013 Design
RR-12-4079_CN_A Epstein and Sons-1stSupplementalAgreement-Maintenance Facilities - Systemwide_05062020 Design
MO-17-1238_CN_Agreement-AppliedResearchAssociates-Systemwide Pavement Roadway Management Services - M&O_09282017 Design
I-20-4717_CN_Agreement-MichaelBaker-PMCSGuliad-Team-Elgin O'Hare Western Access, I-294 to I-90 - Devon Avenue to Pratt Boulevard. Construction Management Services_11172020 Construction Management
I-20-4546_CN_ Lorig Construction Company-Noise Abatement Walls Tri-State Tollway (I-294) Hinsdale Oasis To 55th Street - Mile Post 25.0 to Mile Post 25.4_02032021 Construction
I-20-4541_CN_Lorig Construction Company-Noise Abatement Wall Construction O’Hare Oasis To Irving Park Road, Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Mile Post 37.7 To Mile Post 38.3_12032020 Construction
I-20-4535_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc. S J Construction Co Inc-Part 2-Beam Fabrication Tri-State Tollway (I-294) Over Grand Ave. Bridge Numbers 285 and 286 Mile Post 35.30_08202020 Construction
I-20-4535_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc. S J Construction Co Inc-Part 1-Beam Fabrication Tri-State Tollway (I-294) Over Grand Ave. Bridge Numbers 285 and 286 Mile Post 35.30_08202020 Construction
I-20-4534_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc. S J Construction Co Inc-Bridge PCC Beam Fabrication Tri-State Tollway (I-294) over Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Mile Post 35.80 Bridge Numbers 287 & 288_Part 3_08202020 Construction
I-20-4534_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc. S J Construction Co Inc-Bridge PCC Beam Fabrication Tri-State Tollway (I-294) over Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Mile Post 35.80 Bridge Numbers 287 & 288_Part 2_08202020 Construction
I-20-4534_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc. S J Construction Co Inc-Bridge PCC Beam Fabrication Tri-State Tollway (I-294) over Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Mile Post 35.80 Bridge Numbers 287 & 288_Part 1_08202020 Construction
I-20-4531_CN_JAWattsAgreement-Tri-State Tollway, Construction Management Services Upon Request (ITS Services). On-call and as-needed Construction Management Services_11302020 Construction Management
I-20-4528_CN_Plote Construction, Inc-Roadway Reconstruction Eisenhower Expressway (I-290) Ramp S Westbound I-290 to Eastbound Lake Street Sta 500+00.00 to Sta 523+25.00_02162021 Construction
I-20-4527_CN_Agreement_CotterConsultingInc-Tri-State Tollway, Construction Management Services Upon Request. On-call and as-needed Construction Management Services_10302020 Construction Management
I-20-4526_CN_Agreement-CiorbaGroupInc-Tri-State Tollway, Design Upon Request. On-call, and as-needed Phase II Engineering Services._10302020 Design
I-20-4520_CN_Dunnet Bay Construction-Ramp D Roadway and Bridge Tri-State Tollway (I-294) Mile Post 7.7 to Mile Post 8.2_06252020 Construction
I-20-4517_CN_F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Assoc., LLC-Part 2-Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction Tri-State Tollway (I-294) 95th Street to Plaza 36 (82nd Street Toll Plaza) Mile Post 17.5 to19.7_09172020 Construction
I-20-4517_CN_F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Assoc., LLC-Part 1-Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction Tri-State Tollway (I-294) 95th Street to Plaza 36 (82nd Street Toll Plaza) Mile Post 17.5 to19.7_09172020 Construction
I-20-4513_CN_Aldridge Electric, Inc-Advance Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Material Tri-State Tollway (I-294) 95th Street to I-55, St. Charles Rd. to North Ave. Mile Post 17.8 to 24.2 and Mile Post 32.4 to 33.5 Eisenhower Expressway (I-290) STA 75+00 to STA 122+30_09172020 Construction
I-20-4512_CN_John Burns Construction Company-Advance Fiber Relocation Installation. Tri-State Tollway (I-294) between Mile Post 32.90 and Mile Post 36.30._06202020 Construction
I-19-4716_CN_Martinez Frog's Inc.- Elgin O'Hare Western Access Tollway (I-490) Building Demolition, Franklin Ave., Bensenville, Cook County, IL_08142020 Construction
I-19-4715_CN_Enlight Contracting-Elgin O'Hare Western Access Tollway (I-490) Building Demolition East Green Street, Bensenville, Dupage County, IL_06082020 Construction
I-19-4712_CN_Walsh Construction Company II, LLC-Western Access Tollway (I-490) Advance Earthwork, Drainage, Construction & Railroad Spur Grading Tri-State Tollway (I-294) to Green Street M.P. 00.10 to M.P. 00.35_06032020 Constsruction
I-19-4711_CN_Agreement-Baxter and Woodman-Elgin O’Hare Western Access, I-294 to I-90 – I-490 – I-294 to Franklin Avenue, Construction Management Services. Construction Management Services._06042020 Construction Management
I-19-4710_CN_Agreement_H.W. Lochner, Inc. / d'Escoto, Inc./ Illinois Construction & Environmental-Elgin O’Hare Western Access, I-294 to I-90 – I-294 – North Avenue to Grand Avenue, Construction Management Services_06172020 Construction Management
I-19-4709_CN_Agreement-TYLinInternational Great Lakes Inc-Elgin O’Hare Western Access, I-294 to I-90 – I-490 at I-90 Interchange, Construction Management Services. Construction Management Services._05012020 Construction Management
I-19-4708_CN_Agreement-Milhouse Engineering and Construction, Inc-_Elgin O’Hare Western Access, I-294 to I-90 – Devon Avenue to Touhy Avenue, Construction Management Services06122020 Construction Management
I-19-4508_CN_HeckerCompanyInc.-Tri-State Tollway (I-294) Temporary Highway Lighting Material Procurement - 95th Street to La Grange Road_04092020 Construction
I-19-4507_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc.-Shoulder Rehabilitation, Retaining Wall and Noise Abatement Wall Construction, Tri-State Tollway (I-294) MP 22.3 (75th Street) to MP 24.1 (I-55 ramps)_05272020 Construction
I-19-4499_CN_Rausch InfrastructureLLC-Grading and Drainage Improvements Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Ramp AB From I-294 SB to I-55 NB/SB Mile Post 23.75_07112020 Construction
I-19-4498_CN_Agreement-Infrastructure Eng-Tri-State Tollway, Design Upon Request_05132020 Design
I-19-4495_CN_Dunnet Bay Construction Co.-I-294 Widening Ramp C Flyover, Dixie Creek Bridge and Ramp F2_08242020 Construction
I-19-4490_CN_Martam Construction, Inc.-Flagg Creek Water Reclamation District (FCWRD) Sanitary Sewer Relocations Tri-State Tollway (I-294) I-55 Ramps to 55th Street and 47th Street to Ogden Avenue MP 24 to MP 25.5_04062020 Construction
RR-19-9219_CN_Agreement-Atlas Engineering Group, Ltd-Design Upon Request - Systemwide Non Roadway. On-call, and as-needed Phase II Engineering Services_04302020 Design
I-19-4481_CN_Lorig Construction Company-Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction, Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Archer Ave. (IL-171) Interchange MP 19.4 to MP 20.7_04292020 Construction
I-19-4479_CN_Agreement-Globetrotters Eng-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction and Widening, 75th Street (M.P. 22) to I-55 Ramps (M.P. 24), Construction Management Services _05132020 Construction Management
I-19-4478_CN_Agreement-HR Green Inc-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction and Widening, St. Charles Rd. (M.P. 32) to North Ave./Lake St. (M.P. 33), Construction Management Services. Construction Management Services._05182020 Construction Management
I-19-4476_CN_Plote Construction, Inc. Dunnet Bay Construction Co., JV-Roadway and Bridge Widening and Reconstruction Eisenhower Expressway (I-290) STA 75+00 to STA 122+30.35 St. Charles Road STA 997+00.00 to STA 1010+70.00_01072021 Construction
I-19-4469_CN_Rubinos and Mesia-Agreement-Systemwide, Bridge Reconstruction, Bypass U.S. 20 Bridge over Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (M.P. 19.8). Phase II Engineering Services._01032020 Design
I-19-4464_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc.-I-57 Roadway and Bridge Widening (Kedzie Ave to CSX RR) CD Roads A & C, I-294 Ramp Construction and Ramp L Toll Plaza Tri-State Tollway (I-294) mile Post SB- 350.0; NB-349.0 to Mile Post 350.6._01312020 Construction
I-19-4463_CN_ClarkDietzInc-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Construction Management Upon Request. On-call, and as-needed Construction Management Services_12092019 Inspection
I-19-4462_CN_SE3-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Archer Avenue Interstate Bridges at I-294 (M.P. 20.5), Construction Management Services_12092019 Construction Management
I-19-4454_CN_Western Remac, Inc.-Property Maintenance Tri-State Tollway(I-294) MP 17.8 to MP 40.00_05072019 Construction
I-19-4453_CN_Fox Excavating, Inc.-Building Removals Village of Hinsdale and City of Elmhurst Tri-State Tollway (I-294) Mile Post 17.8 to Mile Post 40.00-1_03042019 Construction
I-19-4449_CN_Plote Construction, Inc. / Dunnet Bay Construction Co., JV-Roadway and Bridge Widening and Rehabilitation, Tri-State Tollway (I294) Mile Post 36.3 to Mile Post 39.8 Station 1917+81.50 to Station 2104+00.00 in Cook County, Illinois_01222020 Construction
I-18-4704_CN_Curran Contracting Company-Western Access Tollway (I-490) Advance Earthwork, Drainage and Retaining Wall Construction, Devon Ave to South of Touhy Ave, MP 4.3 to MP 5.6_11092020
I-18-4701_CN_Knight-V3-Agreement-Construction Corridor Manager and Owner’s Representative Services (CCM/OR) – EOWA Corridor (Illinois Route 390/I-490). _06242019 Inspection
I-18-4700_CN_Jacobs Engineering Agreement-Design Corridor Manager Services (DCM) – EOWA Corridor (Illinois Route 390/I-490)_04252019 Design
I-18-4699_CN_F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Assoc., LLC-I-490 at I-90 Interchange Eastbound and Westbound, I-90 Ramp Construction - Mile Post 73.2 to Mile Post 74.5_01292019 Construction
I-18-4698_CN_ESI Consultants 1st Supplemental Agreement-I-490, Design and Construction Management Services Upon Request. On-call, and as-needed Phase II engineering and Construction Management Services._10212020 Design
I-18-4698_CN_ESI Consultants Agreement-I-490, Design and Construction Management Services Upon Request. On-call, and as-needed Phase II engineering and Construction Management Services._12062018 Design
I-18-4692_CN_Natural Creations Landscaping, Inc.-EOWA - Landscape - Wood Dale Rd to East of IL 83_07252018 Construction
I-18-4691_CN_Natural Creations Landscaping, Inc.-EOWA - Landscaping Improvements - Illinois Route 390 - Park Boulevard to Wood Dale Road (Mile Post 13.1 to Mile Post 15.0_07252018 Construction
I-18-4690_CN_Natural Creations Landscaping, Inc.-Landscaping - Elgin O'Hare Access Tollway ( IL 390) - IL 53 to Park Blvd_04242018 Construction
I-18-4690_CN_Natural Creations Landscaping, Inc.-Landscaping - Elgin O'Hare Access Tollway ( IL 390) - IL 53 to Park Blvd_04242018 Construction
I-18-4446_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc.-Retaining Wall Construction, Grading and Shoulder Rehabilitation - Tri-State Tollway (I-294) - Mile Post 31.5 to Mile Post 34.9_07162019 Construction
I-18-4438_CN_Aldridge Electric, Inc.-Temporary ITS and Fiber Relocation - Tri-State Tollway (I-294)_06062019 Construction
I-18-4433_CN_D Construction, Inc.-I-57 Median North of I-294, Ramp L_05072019 Construction
I-18-4430_CN_F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Assoc., LLC-Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction - Tri-State Tollway (I-294) - Mile Long Bridge - Mile Post 20.7 to Mile Post 22.3 - Sta 5096+23.33 to Sta 1176+62.01_05202019_Construction
I-18-4428_CN_Walsh Construction Company II, LLC-Bridge Reconstruction (BN 261) - Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) over the Tri-State Tollway (I-294) - Mile Post 26.6_08142019 Construction
I-18-4427_CN_Plote Construction, Inc. / Dunnet Bay Construction Co., JV-Roadway and Bridge Rehabilitation, Tri-State Tollway (I-294). Mile Post 37.85 to Mile Post 40.15, Station 200+00 to STA. 2123+00_04192019 Construction
I-18-4424_CN_ Terra Engineering Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Design Upon Request_04112019 Design
I-18-4420_CN_Wight-Agreement-I-294 / I-57 Interchange, Tri-State Tollway M.P. 7.6 (I-57), Construction Management Services._07222019 Construction Management
I-18-4419_CN_Agreement-TYLin-I-294 / I-57 Interchange, Southbound I-57 to Southbound I-294 Flyover, Collector Distributor (CD) Road Ramp and I-57 Widening of Mainline CSX Railroad Bridges, M.P. 6.8 to M.P. 7.7. Phase II Engineering services._12072018 Design
I-18-4415_CN_American Surveying & Engineering PC Agreement-Utility Location and Identification Assistance Upon Request. Sub surface and Utility Assistance Services_01152019 Design
I-18-4414_CN_Juneau-Agreement-I-294, Construction Management Services Upon Request. On-call , and as-needed Constuction Management Services._01152019 Construction Management
I-18-4412_CN_TranSystems Corp-HR Green, Inc-TM-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Bridge REconstruction, Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railroad Bridge (M.P. 26.6). Construction Management Services._01152019 Construction Management
I-18-4411_CN_Bowman Consulting-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Bridge Reconstruction, Mile Long Bridge (M.P. 21.5). Construction Management Services_12312018 Construction Management
I-18-4392_CN_Curran Contracting Company-Interchange Construction - Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) at Illinois Route 23 (IL 23)_01292019 Construction
I-18-4380_CN_exp U S Services-Agreement-Elgin O'Hare Western Access, I-294 (Grand Avenue to Wolf Road). Construction Management Services._02082019 Construction Management
I-18-4374_CN_Lorig Construction Company-Edens Spur (I-94) - Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction - MP 29.0 (West of Union Pacific Railroad) to MP 30.0 (Edens Expressway)05072019 Construction
I-18-4373_CN_Walsh Construction Company II, LLC-Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction, Edens Spur, Tri-State Tollway (I-94), M.P. 26.9 To M.P. 29._07232018 Construction
I-18-4361_CN_Parsons Transportation-Agreement-Elgin O’Hare Western Access, West Extension. Phase I Engineering Services for Planning Studies and Master Plan Services_10252018 Design
I-18-4357_CN_Gonzalez Companies LLC-JA WattsInc-TM-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Construction Management Upon Request. On call and as-needed Construction Management Services._05172018 Construction Management
I-18-4356_CN_HW Lochner-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Roadway and Bridge Rehabilitation and Widening, Wolf Road (M.P. 36.2) and the Balmoral Avenue (M.P. 40.0). Construction Management Services_05242018 Construction Management
I-18-4356_CN_HWLochner-1stSupplementAgreement-Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Roadway and Bridge Rehabilitation and Widening, Wolf Road (M.P. 36.2) and the Balmoral Avenue (M.P. 40.0). Construction Management Services_02252021 Construction Management
I-18-4352_CN_Patrick-Agreement-Reagan Memorial Tollway, Windsor Road Bridge Reconstruction, Construction Management_07222019 Construction Management
I-18-4352_CN_Schwartz Excavating, Inc.-Building Removals Villages of Justice, Willow Springs, Berkeley and The City of Countryside Tri-State Tollway (I-294) Mile Post 17.8 to Mile Post 40.00_12032020 Construction
I-18-4352_CN_AgreementUpchurchGroup-Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88), Windsor Road Bridge Widening. Phase II Engineering Services_05242018 Design
I-17-4688_CN_Lake County Grading Company-Elgin O'Hare Western Access Tollway, Advance Earthwork Grading Phase II, Western Access (I-490) from Supreme Drive to Old Higgins Road, M.P. 3.6 to M.P. 5.5_04192018 Construction
I-17-4683_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc-Roadway and Bridge Construction - EOWA (IL 390) - IL 83 to York Rd_11202070 Construction
I-17-4681R_CN_Wight-Orion Agreement-Elgin O’Hare Western Access, Western Access at IL 19 Interchange_10302019 Construction Management
I-17-4678_CN_Burns and McDonnell Engineering Co-Agreement-Elgin O’Hare Western Access, Pratt Boulevard to Touhy Avenue. Phase II Engineering._08312017 Design
I-17-4678_CN_1stSupplementalAgreement-Burns & McDonnell Engineering Co Inc-Elgin O’Hare Western Access, Pratt Boulevard to Touhy Avenue. Phase II Engineering._04302020 Design
I-17-4677_CN_RSandH-ToltzKingDuvallAndersonandAssociates-Agreement-Elgin O’Hare Western Access, Devon Avenue to Pratt Boulevard. Phase II Engineering._08312017 Design
I-17-4677_CN_RSandH-ToltzKingDuvallAndersonandAssociates1st Supplemental Agreement-Elgin O’Hare Western Access, Devon Avenue to Pratt Boulevard. Phase II Engineering._08312017 Design
I-17-4676_CN_exp US Services-1stSupplementalAgreement-EOWA Jane Addams Memorial Tollway System Interchange_06172020 Design
I-17-4676_CN_exp U S Services, Inc.-Agreement-EOWA Jane Addams Memorial Tollway System Interchange_09112017 Design
I-17-4339_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc-Elgin O’Hare West Access Tollway (I-490) Roadway and Bridge Widening and Reconstruction_09022020 Construction
I-17-4323_CN_Natural Creations Landscaping, Inc-Tree Planting and Landscaping, Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90), Elgin Plaza 9 to Kennedy Expressway M.P. 53.8 to M.P. 78.9_10025017 Construction
I-17-4310_CN_Peralte Clark-Agreement_Tri-State Tollway, Advanced MOT Rehabilitation, East West Connector (M.P. 29.1) to Balmoral Avenue (M.P. 40.0). Phase II Engineering Services._10262017 Design
I-17-4310_CN_Peralte Clark-1st Supplemental Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Advanced MOT Rehabilitation, East West Connector (M.P. 29.1) to Balmoral Avenue (M.P. 40.0). Phase II Engineering Services._05012019 Design
I-17-4309_CN_TerraEngineeringLtdAgreement-Tri-State Tollway, Advanced MOT Rehabilitation, 95th Street (M.P. 17.8) to East West Connector (M.P. 29.1). Phase II Engineering Services_10272017 Design
I-17-4309_CN_1stSupplementAgreement-Terra Eng-Tri-State Tollway, Advanced MOT Rehabilitation, 95th Street (M.P. 17.8) to East West Connector (M.P. 29.1). Phase II Engineering Services_052272020 Design
I-17-4306_CN_Rubinos-Mesia-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Bridge Rehabilitation, Repairs, & Demolition, Various Locations. Phase II Engineering Services._10112017 Design
I-17-4305_CN_Baxter and Woodman Inc-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Bridge Rehabilitation, Repairs, & Demolition, Various Locations. Phase II Engineering Services._10022017 Design
I-17-4304_CN_A Epstein and Sons International Inc DBA Epstein-Tri-State Tollway, Design Upon Request, Phase II Engineering Services. 1. Pedestrian Bridge; 2. Plainfield Road Bridge; 3. Demolition; 4. As Needed._09282017 Design
I-17-4303_CN_Gannett Fleming, Inc./Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd-2ndSupplementalAgreement-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction and Bridge Rehabilitation, O'Hare Oasis (M.P. 37.8) to Balmoral Avenue (M.P. 40.0). Phase II Engineering Services_04242019 Design
I-17-4303_CN_Gannett Fleming, Inc./Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.-1stSupplementalAgreement-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction and Bridge Rehabilitation, O'Hare Oasis (M.P. 37.8) to Balmoral Avenue (M.P. 40.0). Phase II Engineering Services._01152019 Design
I-17-4303_CN_Gannett Fleming, Inc./Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction and Bridge Rehabilitation, O'Hare Oasis (M.P. 37.8) to Balmoral Avenue (M.P. 40.0). Phase II Engineering Services_10272017 Design
I-17-4302_CN_V3-MichaelBaker-TM-Agreement-_Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction and Bridge Rehabilitation, Wolf Road (M.P. 36.2) to O'Hare Oasis (M.P. 37.8). Phase II Engineering Services.12112017 Design
I-17-4301_CN_Alfred Benesch & Company/The Roderick Group, Inc. (dba Ardmore Roderick)/2IM Group, LLC-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, St Charles Road (M.P. 32.3) to North Avenue / Lake Street (M.P. 33.5). Phase II Engineering Services_05042020 Design
I-17-4300_CN_JacobsEngineeringGroup-1stSupplementalAgreement-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, Roosevelt Road (M.P. 30.5) to St Charles Road (M.P. 32.3). Phase II Engineering Services._05162020 Design
I-17-4300_CN_JacobsEngineeringAgreement-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, Roosevelt Road (M.P. 30.5) to St Charles Road (M.P. 32.3). Phase II Engineering Services_10262017 Design
I-17-4299_CN_QuiggEngineeringInc-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, EW Connector (M.P. 29.1) to Roosevelt Road (M.P. 30.5). Phase II Engineering Services_10022017 Design
I-17-4299_CN_1stSupplementAgreement Quigg Engineering-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, EW Connector (M.P. 29.1) to Roosevelt Road (M.P. 30.5). Phase II Engineering Services_09212020 Design
I-17-4298_CN_TranSystems-HansonProfessionalSvcs-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, I-55 Ramps (M.P. 24.1) to Ogden Avenue (M.P. 27.8). Phase II Engineering Services._11162017 Design
I-17-4298_CN_1stSupplementagreement_Transystems Hanson-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, I-55 Ramps (M.P. 24.1) to Ogden Avenue (M.P. 27.8). Phase II Engineering Services._05072020 Design
I-17-4297_CN_Strand-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, 75th Street (M.P. 22.3) to I-55 Ramps (M.P. 24.1). Phase II Engineering Services._09292017 Design
I-17-4297_CN_Second Supplemental Agreement-Strand Associates Inc-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, 75th Street (M.P. 22.3) to I-55 Ramps (M.P. 24.1). Phase II Engineering Services._04302020 Design
I-17-4297_CN_1stSupplementalStrand-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, 75th Street (M.P. 22.3) to I-55 Ramps (M.P. 24.1). Phase II Engineering Services._05282019 Design
I-17-4296_CN_HDR-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, 95th Street (M.P. 17.8) to LaGrange Road (M.P. 20.7). Phase II Engineering Services._11082017 Design
I-17-4296_CN_1stSupplementHDR-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, 95th Street (M.P. 17.8) to LaGrange Road (M.P. 20.7). Phase II Engineering Services._05012019 Design
I-17-4093_CN_HNTB-Agreement-PMO Contract. Program Management Office and Technical/ Administrative Services_12192017 Program Management
I-16-4679R_CN_STVInc-Agreement-Elgin O’Hare Western Access, IL 390 at Western Access Interchange. Construction Management Services._05152020 Construction Management
I-16-4274_CN_Illinois Construction & Environmental Consulting, Inc.-Agreement-Reagan Memorial Tollway, Illinois Route 47 Interchange, M.P. 109.3. Construction Management Services._10022018 Construction Management
I-16-4274_CN_Curran Contracting Company-Illinois Route 47 Interchange - Reagan Memorial Tollway (I88) - Mile Post 108.8 to Mile Post 109.9_01152019 Construction
I-16-4269_CN_John Burns Construction Company-Fiber Optic Relocation Systemwide, Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88), Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90), Tri-State Tollway (I-294/I-94), Veterans Memorial Tollway (I-355) and Illinois Route 390 Tollway (IL-390)_12092016 Construction
I-16-4266_CN_Agreement CH2MHill-KnightEA-IL 53/IL 120 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Related Reports_06222017 Design
I-16-4264_CN_F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Assoc., LLC-Pedestrian Overpass Bridge and Bridge Access Building Construction, Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90), Barrington Road Interchange, M.P. 62.4 to M.P. 62.6_07072016 Construction
I-16-4264_CN_F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Assoc., LLC-Pedestrian Overpass Bridge and Bridge Access Building Construction, Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90), Barrington Road Interchange, M.P. 62.4 to M.P. 62.6_07072016 Construction
I-15-4656_CN_AlfredBeneschandCo-ChristopherBBurkeEngineering-LinEngineering-2ndSupplementalAgreement-EOWA, I-294 to I-90- Tri-State and Franklin/Green Street. Phase II Engineering Services._06102020 Design
I-15-4656_CN_Agreement-AlfredBenesch-ChristopherBurke-Lin-EOWA, I-294 to I-90- Tri-State and Franklin/Green Street. Phase II Engineering Services._06212016 Design
I-15-4656_CN_Alfred Benesch & Co. / Christopher B. Burke Eng, Ltd. / Lin Engineering, Ltd-TM-Supplemental Agreement-EOWA, I-294 to I-90- Tri-State and Franklin/Green Street. Phase II Engineering Services._04192019 Design
I-15-4649_CN_Lake County Grading Company-Building Removal, Elgin O'Hare Western Access Tollway, Various Locations_08242015 Construction
I-15-4241_CN_Globetrotters Agreement-Construction Management Services Upon Request. On-call and as-needed Construction Management Services._11192015 Construction Management
I-15-4241_CN_Globetrotters 1stSupplemental Agreement-Construction Management Services Upon Request. On-call and as-needed Construction Management Services._02232017_Construction Management
I-15-4241_CN_2nd Supplemental Globetrotters Agreement-Construction Management Services Upon Request. On-call and as-needed Construction Management Services_05212019 Construction Management
I-15-4237_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc.-Inside Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction, Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) from MP 73.3 (Oakton Street) to MP 76.5 (Mannheim Road) WB and from MP 73.3 (Oakton Street) to MP 76.5 (Mannheim Road) EB_12082015 Construction
I-14-4642_CN_Plote Construction, Inc. / Dunnet Bay Construction Co., JV-Elgin O'Hare Western Access Tollway Roadway and Bridge Construction, Elgin O'Hare Tollway (IL 390) from MP 13.6 (West of Prospect Avenue) to MP 15.2 (East of Lively Blvd)_02182070 Construction
I-14-4639_CN_GeoServices-Agreement-Geotechnical Assistance Upon Request, Systemwide_11202014 Design
I-14-4638_CN_Aldridge Electric, Inc.-Elgin O'Hare Western Access Tollway Intelligent Transportation Systems, Elgin O'Hare (IL-390) from East of US 20 (Lake St.) to East of IL 83, M.P. 6.5 to M.P. 15.9_10192016 Construction
I-14-4225_CN_Agreement-MathewsonRightOfWay-DynastyGroup-Land Acquisition and Surveying Services Upon Request - Systemwide_05282015 Design
I-14-4220_CN_Plote Construction, Inc.-Roadway Reconstruction and Widening, Jane Addams Memorial Tollway, (I-90) Barrington Road, M.P. 61.7 to M.P. 62.6_04092015 Construction
I-14-4206_CN_Plote Construction, Inc. / Dunnet Bay Construction Co., JV-Outside Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction and Widening, Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) from MP 60.8 (Higgins Road) to MP 65.5 (Roselle Road)_03022015 Construction
I-14-4193_CN_GewaltHamitonAtlasEngrAgreement-Roselle Road Interchange (MP 65.5), Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90)_09222016 Construction Management
I-14-4193_CN_1stSuppGewaltHamitonAtlasEngrAgreement-Roselle Road Interchange (MP 65.5), Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90)_12202018 Construction Management
I-14-4029_CN_Agreement-RuettigerTonelli-Surveying and Land Acquisition Services Upon Request - Systemwide_02232012 Design
I-14-4029_CN_1stSupplementRuettigerTonelli-Surveying and Land Acquisition Services Upon Request - Systemwide_11292018 Design
I-13-4624_CN_expUSServicesAgreement--Design Upon Request - Elgin O'Hare Western Access_02272014 Design
I-13-4624_CN_exp US Services-1st Supplemental Agreement-Design Upon Request - Elgin O'Hare Western Access_11192018 Design
I-13-4623_CN_Knight-EA-First Supplemental Agreement-Elgin O'Hare Western Access, IL 19 (West Irving Park Road) Interchange_12312018 Design
I-13-4623_CN_Knight-EA-Agreement-Elgin O'Hare Western Access, IL 19 (West Irving Park Road) Interchange_03272014 Design
I-13-4607_CN_Judlau Contracting, Inc.-Road and Bridge Reconstruction Elgin O'Hare Western Access Tollway Elgin Expressway (IL 390) at I-290 Interchange, Mile Post 12.0 to Mile Post 12.9_08252014 Construction
I-12-4082_CN_V3-TY LinJV-FirstSupplementalAgreement-Elgin O'Hare Western Access, Corridor and Construction Management, I-290 / IL Route 53 Ramps_12132016 Construction Management
I-12-4082_CN_Agreement-V3-TYLin-Elgin O'Hare Western Access, Corridor and Construction Management, I-290 / IL Route 53 Ramps_022820123 Construction Management
I-11-4026_CN_KnightEA-New Interchange at Tri-State Tollway (I-294) M.P. 7.6 and Interstate 57 (I-57)_03222012 COnstruction Management
I-11-4026_CN_Knight AE, Inc.-2ndSupplementAgreement-New Interchange at Tri-State Tollway (I-294) M.P. 7.6 and Interstate 57 (I-57)06122020 Construction Management
I-11-4026_CN_1stSupplementalKnightEA-New Interchange at Tri-State Tollway (I-294) M.P. 7.6 and Interstate 57 (I-57)_11292018 Construction Management
I-11-4018_CN_BV3-JV-ABeneschAgreement-Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) Reconstruct and Add Lane, M.P. 78.6 (Kennedy Expressway) to M.P. 53.8 (Elgin Toll Plaza) Design Corridor Management Services; from M.P. 60.8 (Higgins Road) to M.P. 53.8 (Elgin Toll Plaza) DSE Services_04262012 Design
I-11-4018_CN_BV3-JV-ABenesch-1stSuppAgreement-Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) Reconstruct and Add Lane, M.P. 78.6 (Kennedy Expressway) to M.P. 53.8 (Elgin Toll Plaza) Design Corridor Management Services; from M.P. 60.8 (Higgins Road) to M.P. 53.8 (Elgin Toll Plaza) DSE Services_08272015 Design
I-11-4018_CN_BV3-JV-2ndSupplementalAgreement-Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) Reconstruct and Add Lane, M.P. 78.6 (Kennedy Expressway) to M.P. 53.8 (Elgin Toll Plaza) Design Corridor Management Services; from M.P. 60.8 (Higgins Road) to M.P. 53.8 (Elgin Toll Plaza) DSE Services_04272017 Design
I-11-4014_CN_Agreement-CH2M HILL-Elgin O'Hare Western Bypass Tollway, Design Corridor Manager_04262012 Design
I-11-4014_CN_3rdSupplementalAgreement-CH2M Hill-Elgin O'Hare Western Bypass Tollway, Design Corridor Manager_10252018 Design
I-11-4014_CN_2ndSupplementalAgreemen-tCH2M HILL-Elgin O'Hare Western Bypass Tollway, Design Corridor Manager_04282016 Design
I-11-4014_CN_1stSupplementalAgreement-CH2M HILL-Elgin O'Hare Western Bypass Tollway, Design Corridor Manager_04232015 Design
I-17-4296_CN_2nd Supplement HDR-Agreement-Tri-State Tollway, Roadway Reconstruction, 95th Street (M.P. 17.8) to LaGrange Road (M.P. 20.7). Phase II Engineering Services._03122020 Design
RR-18-4382_CN_SecondSupplement-STVInc.-Tri-State Tollway, Stearns School Road Bridge Reconstruction (M.P. 7.5). Phase II Engineering Services._04012020 Design
21-0074_PO_CDWLLC_Citrix ConsultingServices_03112021
21-0023_CN_ColetteHoltAssociates-DisparityStudy-09142021__Redacted - FINAL
21-0010 _PO_Zones Inc-vMware License Maintinence and Supp_03152021
21-0007_PO_CDWLLC_Data Communications_01272021
21-0001_CN_SERVICE SANITATION INC-Portable Toilet Rental_02012021
20-0223_CN_Black Chamber of Com of Lake Cnty-Small Business Technical Assistance SP B_03012021
20-0211_PO_CDS Office Technologies-Panasonic Toughbook Laptops-Accessories Maintence_03152021
20-0204_PO_DELL MARKETING LP-Microsoft Windows 7 Maintenance & Supp_01132021
20-0198_PO_CDW LLC-MS Surface Pro Tablets & Serv Agreements_12222020
20-0189_PO_CDW Government LLC-Citrix Software Consulting Services_11202020
20-0181_CN_NXGN Inc-Liferay Software Maintenance and Support_03152021
20-0180_PO_MESIROW INSURANCE SERVICES INC-Cyber Liability Insurance Services_01012021
20-0177_PO_CDW LLC-MS Surface Pro Tablets & Serv Agreements_12242020
20-0176_PO_CDW GOVERNMENT LLC-Cisco SmartNet & IronPort Maint & Supp_01012021
20-0175_PO_Mythics Inc-Oracle Software Maintenance and Suppot_01012021
20-0170_CN_Matrix Systems Group-Red Hat Extend Life Cycle_11022020
20-0169_PO_MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC-Motorola Console Encryption Upgrades_12082020
20-0166_PO_CDWLLC-Citrix Xen Desk Software Main and Supp_01012021
20-0165_PO_Zones IT Solutions Inc-Vmware Software Maintinance and Support_12292020
20-0164_PO_CDW Government LLC-Symantec PGP Software Maintenance & Support_11132020
20-0163_PO_CDW GOVERNMENT LLC-Adobe Sign Transactions Software_11102020
20-0162_CN_NATIONAL TEK SERVICES INC-Check Point Endpoint SW Maint & Support_01012021
20-0161_PO_CDW Government LLC-Cisco Advanced Malware Protection-Remote_11022020
20-0160_PO_CDW Government LLC-HP Monitors for Remote Project_10232020
20-0159_PO_CDW Government LLC-Cisco Advanced Malware Protection_12242020
20-0158_CN_SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP-Kronos Maintenance and Support_01012021
20-0155_PO_NationalTek-One Identity Defender Token Licenses_11202020
20-0152_CN_WOLTERS KLUWER FINANCIAL SVC INC-TeamMate SW Maint, Support, & Services_12312020
20-0150A_PO_MORTON SALT-Bulk Rock Salt_12162020
20-0150B_PO_CARGILL SALT INC-Bulk Rock Salt_12162020
20-0148_PO_CDS Office Technologies-Panasonic Toughbook Laptops Maint & Supp_10152020
20-0147_PO_Motorola Solutions-Motorola TDMA Time Division Multiple Access Flash Upgrade_12082020
20-0143_CN_CDW Government LLC-NetApp Maintenance and Support for Hardware and Software_12072020
20-0142_PO_MESIROW INSURANCE SERVICES INC-Railroad Protective Insurance_10232020
20-0125_PO_CDW Government-MS Surface Pro Tablets, Accessory & Service Agreement_09182020
20-0119_CN_NXGN, Inc-Cisco IronPort Software Hardware & Service_12082020
20-0112_PO_CDW Government LLC-Microsoft Exchange Address Maintenance & Supply_07202020
20-0111_PO_CD Government LLC-Cisco Equip NGN2 Network_09102020
20-0097_PO_Mesirow Insurance Services-_Equipment Breakdown Insurance_07162020
20-0087_CN_NATIONAL TEK SERVICES INC-Globalscape Software, Maintenance & Supp_07212020
20-0085_CN_RSM US LLP-Payment Card Industry "PCI" Compliance Analysis Services_06262020
20-0084_PO_CDW Government LLC-Citrix Xen Desktop Upgrade_05292020
20-0082_CN_Illinois State Black Chamber Of Commerce-Small Business Technical Assistance_05252020
20-0081_CN_Graceland College-SkillPath Seminars_05272020
20-0080_CN_Pryor Learning Inc-eLearning Memberships_05272020
20-0079_CN_Telephone Doctor Inc-Service Skills Subscription and Membership_06252020
20-0077_CN_ Miles Chevrolet LLC-Sports Utility Vehicles_11192020
20-0076_PO_CDW Government-Ford Transit Connect Mini_02012021
20-0071RRR_CN_Heritage Crystal Clean Services-Paint Gun Cleaning Services_02162020
20-0069_CN_Axon Enterprise, Inc-Taser Equipment and Parts_12012020
20-0068_PO_CDW Government LLC-Cisco Meraki Wireless Access Points_04072020
20-0065_PO_Mesirow Financial Services-Commercial Liability Insurance Program_05122020
20-0062_CN_Cicero Mfg & Supply Co-Ceratech Fast Setting Cement_11192020
20-0058R_CN_Tradebe Treatment And Recycling LLC-Hazardous Waste Pickup And Disposa lServices_02262021
20-0054_CN_Carahsoft Technology Corporation-Red Hat Software_08202020
20-0052_PO_CDW Government LLC-Microsoft Software, Maintenance, Supply, & Service_05212020
20-0050_PO_CDW Government LLC-Citrix XenDesktop Licenses, M&S-_04142020
20-0048_PO_BAKER TILLY VIRCHOW KRAUSE, LLP-Internet Auditing Services_05142020
20-0046_PO_CarahsoftTechnologyCo-Social Media Maintinence_11272020
20-0044_PO_CDWGovernment_Information Tech IT Data Communications_03132020
20-0043_CN__National Tek Services Inc-One Identity Hard And Soft Tokens_03192020
20-0041_CN_J.P.Simons & Co-AAON HVAC Replacement Parts_10252017
20-0041_CN_J.P.Simons & Co-AAON HVAC Replacement Parts-Renewal_12072019
20-0033_PO_CDW Government LLC_Enterprise Info Services_ 04272020
20-0030_PO_Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc-ESRI Software Maintenance & Support_04012020
20-0025_PO_A 1 Lock Inc-Schlage Locks and Lock Parts_02242020
20-0023_CN_ColetteHoltAssociates-Disparity Study_09142021_Redacted
20-0020_PO_ Dell Marketing LP-Dell PowerEdge Hardware w- Maint & Supp_02132020
20-0018_PO_Neher Electric Supply-Large Lamps_05082020
20-0014B_PO_Batteries And Things Inc-Dry Cell, Alkaline, Lithium, and NiMH Batteries_10232020
20-0014A_PO_J.P. Simons & Co.-Dry Cell, Alkaline, Lithium, and NiMH Batteries_10232021
20-0013_PO_Mesirow Insurance Services, Inc.-Commercial Property Insurance 2020-2021_03312020
20-0010R_CN_Runco Office Supplies & Equipment-OEM Printer Cartridges_041520
20-0007_CN_CW Financial Management Group LLC-Sparknit Forms And Workflow Bundle Software_04152020
20-0005_CN_National Tek Services-ShareGate_03-31-2020
19-0202_CN_XeroxCorp_Administrative Services_07312020
19-0196_PO_Gasaway Distribution Inc-Enhanced Salt Brine Solutions_11312019
19-0195A_PO_Republic Services-Waste Hauling Services_01012021
19-0195_PO_Independent Recycling Services-Waste Hauling Services_03202020
19-0193_PO_CDW Government LLC_IT Data Communications_01142020
19-0187_PO_EnPointe Technologies Sales, LLC-Adobe Licenses, Maint & Support_01232020
19-0179_CN_MORTON SALT-Rock Salt_09112020
19-0178_PO_Morrow Brothers Ford-Mid Size Police Utility Vehicles_01162020
19-0176_CN_MaggioTruckCenter-Enhanced Salt Brine Solutions_06202020
19-0172_PO_Xerox Corp_Enterprise Info Services_12202019
19-0170_CN_NATIONAL TEK SERVICES INC-Tenable Software Upgrade, Maint, & Support_04152020
19-0167RR_CN_Tiles in Style-Radius Cutter_07212020
19-0159_PO_CDS Office Tech-ISP Panasonic Arbitrator Upgrade Project_01272020
19-0158_PO_Carahsoft Technology Corporation-Risk SeneROMAC_01242020
19-0141_PO_Zones, Inc-VMware Maint & Support_12302019
19-0139_CN_Aztec Supply Corp-Floor Cleaners and Wax (Buckeye)_12312020
19-0127_PO_CDW Government LLC-Windows 7 support_12302019
19-0124_PO_CDW Government LLC-HP Elite Display Monitors & Soundbars_12112019
19-0121_PO_Marrow Brothers Inc-Police Utility Vehicles_01142020
19-0119_PO_CDW Government LLC-Cisco IronPort Software Hardware & Serv_10162019
19-0118_CN_SHI International Corp-NetApp Hardware Support, and Maint. and Support_12102019
19-0117_CN_H-O-H Water Technology-Boiler and Tower Chemicals_12042019
19-0115_PO_MD Solutions-Delinator Posts_10152019_FINAL_Redacted.pdf
19-0114_PO_Mesirow Insurance Service Inc_Cyber Liability Insurance_122019
19-0113_PO_CDW Government LLC-Citrix Sharefile Licenses__08192019
19-0098_PO_CDW-Government HP Workstations_10212019
19-0093_PO_CDW Government LLC-Desktop Replacements (HP workstations)_09092019
19-0091_PO_Midland Paper-White Wove Envelopes_11062019
19-0090_PO_Neher Electrical Supply-Lighting Ballasts_10092019
19-0089_PO_CDWLLC-HP Elite Display E273 LED Monitor_12062019
19-0088R_CN_Allied Waste Transportation Inc-Scavenger Services At Central Administration_01192020
19-0086_PO_CDW Government LLC- Cisco Nexus Equip with Maint/Support_08072019
19-0084_CN_Carahsoft Technology Corp-Social Media Management Services_08272019
19-0071_PO_CDW Government LLC_-Microsoft Surface Pros & Service Agreement06262019
19-0067_CN_XEROX CORPORATION-Maintenance of Existing Xerox Copiers_09012019
19-0041_CN_DILIGENT CORPORATION-Diligent Boards Software_05222019
19-0025_CN_WORLDPAY HOLDING LLC-Merchant Card Services_05012019
19-0010_CN_Precision Control Systems of Chicago, In-Building Automation Maint & Repair Services_09012019
19-0007E_CN_West and Sons-METALOGIX 2019-2020 _072420
19-0007D_CN_URT E&R Towing, Inc-Towing and Road Services_07232020
19-0007C_CN_O'Hare Truck Service, Inc-Towing and Road Services_07242020
19-0007B_CN_Lovett’s Rite-Way-Towing and Road Services-_07242020
19-0007A_CN_Hillside Auto Body & Service, Inc.-Towing & Road Svcs for Tollway Vehicles_07242020
19-0002_CN_SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP-EMC Hardware, Software, MSS_05032019
18-0183R_CN_All Purpose Safety Training Solutions LLC-Crane Operator Cert & Testing Service_03092020
18-0180_PO_CDW Government LLC-HP Workstations ProDesk 600- Monitors_06202019
18-0156_PO_Mesirow Insurance-Employee Vision Ins Program Broker_03012019
18-0152R_CN_Law Enforcement Systems-Non Illinois License Retrieval_11122019
18-0131RR_CN_ValdesLLC-Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Delivery_05072020
18-0131RR_CN_ValdesLLC-Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Delivery _05072020
18-0126_PO_CDW GOVERNMENT-Cisco Hardware Software Maintenance_12242018
18-0124_PO_Entco Government Software LLC_IT Data Communications_09172018
18-0123RR_CN_JP Simons & Company-Electrical Wire and Cable_06012020
18-0111RRRB_CN_Williams Charles Construction-Stone Gravel and Limestone_02222021
18-0097_CN_CorVel-Workers Compensation Claim Admin Services_05212020
18-0093_CN_IGOR-Desktop Replacements_03122020
18-0089_CN_Perspectives LLC-Employee Assistance Program (EAP)_06202019
18-0071_PO_ZONES INC-VMWare Licenses, Maintenance, and Support_07122018
18-0033_PO_CDSOfficeSystemsInc-Panasonic Toughbooks_02222018
18-0028R_CN_Blue Apple Health LLC-Health Fair Screening Services_07152019
18-0025_PO_CDW Government LLC_Cisco Firewall Upgrade_03282018
18-0018_CN_Cicero Mfg and Supply_Carbon Monocide Detectors and Parts_07162020
18-0015_CN_Chicago Metro Construction-Building Glass Repair Services_03012020
18-0012_CN_Roadsafe Traffic Systems Inc-Traffic Control Channelizers_05222019
18-0011_CN_Blue Apple Health LLC-Stroke Screeing Services_04012019
18-0007_PO_MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC-Motorola BDA Installation_05212018
17-0208RR_CN_Tiles In Styles LLC-Wood Sign Posts_06152020
17-0207_CN_Midwest Rehab Serv-Pre-Employment ScreeningTesting_06182018
17-0197_PO_MidlandPaper-Procurement Warehouse Inventory Clearing_09202018
17-0192_PO_Premier Staffing Source Inc-Temporary Staffing Services_03232018
17-0177_PO_ATT Mobility-Short Message Services (SMS)_09252020
17-0172_CN_Ada S S McKinley-Transponder Fulfillment Services_12282017
17-0172_CN_Ada S S McKinley-Transponder Fulfillment Services-Renewal_12212020
17-0152_IN_CDW Government LLC-CISCO Equipment_09152017
17-0147R_CN_Cacioppe Communications DBA Topcon Solutions_Global Navigations Solutions_07192019
17-0136_CN_MD Solutions-Renewal-Aluminu Extrusions_03012018
17-0136_CN_MD Solutions-Aluminu Extrusions_03012018
17-0106I_CN_Schiff Harden LLP-Bond Counsel and Related Legal Services_04052019
17-0106H_CN_Pugh Jones Johnson PC-Bond Counsel and Related Legal Services_04082019
17-0106G_CN_Locke Lord LLP-Bond Counsel and Related Legal Services_07092019
17-0106F_CN_Kutak Rock LLP-Bond Counsel and Related Legal Services_07092019
17-0106E_CN_Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP-Bond Counsel and Related Legal Services_07092019
17-0106D_CN_Hardwick Law Firm LLC-Bond Counsel and Related Legal Services_07092019
17-0106B_CN_Chapman Cutler LLP-Bond Counsel and Related Legal Services_07092019
17-0106A_CN_Burke Burns Pinelli Ltd-Bond Counsel and Related Legal Services_07092019
17-0106C _CN_Foley And Lardner LLP-Bond Related Counsel And Related Litigations Services_02132020
17-0082_PO_National Tek Services-Thermal Paper for Pocket Jet Printer_05112018
17-0059_CN_OOTW ,Inc.-Drug Alcohol Testing Services_12272018
17-0057_CN_Chicage Cook Workforce Partnership-Workforce Development_09012018
17-0037_CN_Safety-Kleen Systems Inc-Automotive Parts Cleaning Machines Rental Service_06092017
17-0037_CN_Safety-Kleen Systems Inc-Automotive Parts Cleaning Machines Rental Service-Renewal_06112019
17-0029B_CN_Secure Products Inc-Plastic Bags for CoinandCurrency-Renewal_04242019
17-0029B_CN_Secure Products Inc-Plastic Bags for Coin and Currency_04202017
17-0029A_CN_Gold Edge Supply Inc-Plastic Bags for CoinandCurrency-Renewal_04242019
17-0029A_CN_Gold Edge Supply Inc-Plastic Bags for Coin and Currency_04202017
17-0018R_CN_Hillside Auto Body-Med- H.D. Truck Body Shop Repairs_10312018
17-0014_CN_J.P.Simons & Co. - Electrical Supplies_08302017
17-0014_CN_J.P.Simons & Co. - Electrical Supplies-Renewal_09132019
16-0155M_CN_Wells Fargo Bank - Bond Underwriting Services_10262017
16-0155M_CN_Wells Fargo Bank - Bond Underwriting Services-Renewal_10142020
16-0155L_CN_Siebert Cisneros Shank Co LLC - Bond Underwriting Services_03132018
16-0155L_CN_Siebert Cisneros Shank Co LLC - Bond Underwriting Services-Renewal_10142020
16-0155K_CN_Ramirez and Co - Bond Underwriting Services_10262017
16-0155K_CN_Ramirez and Co - Bond Underwriting Services-Renewal_10142020
16-0155J_CN_RBC Capital Markets LLC - Bond Underwriting Services_10262017
16-0155J_CN_RBC Capital Markets LLC - Bond Underwriting Services-Renewal_10142020
16-0155I_CN_PNC Capital Market LLC - Bond Underwriting Services_10262017
16-0155I_CN_PNC Capital Market LLC - Bond Underwriting Services-Renewal_10142020
16-0155H_CN_Piper Jaffray and Co - Bond Underwriting Services_12012017
16-0155H_CN_Piper Jaffray and Co - Bond Underwriting Services-Renewal_10142020
16-0155G_CN_Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - Bond Underwriting Services_10262017
16-0155G_CN_Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC - Bond Underwriting Services-Renewal_10142020
16-0155F_CN_Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc-Bond Underwritters_10262017
16-0155F_CN_BofA Securities Inc fromerly Merrill Lynch-Bond Underwritters-Renewal_10142020
16-0155E_CN_Loop Capital Markets LLC-Bond Underwriting Service_10132017
16-0155E_CN_Loop Capital Markets LLC-Bond Underwriting Service-Renewal_10142020
16-0155C_CN_Jefferies LLC - Bond Underwriting Services_10262017
16-0155C_CN_Jefferies LLC - Bond Underwriting Services-Renewal_10142020
16-0155A_CN_Citigroup Global Markets Inc-Bond Underwriting Services_10182017
16-0155A_CN_Citigroup Global Markets Inc-Bond Underwriting Services-Renewal_10142020
16-0150_CN_Patson Inc dba Trans Chicago Truck-Freightliner Repair Parts and Services_08122017
16-0147_PO_Logsdon Stationers, Inc-Office Supplies_01162018
16-0131_CN_Martin Implement Sales Inc Renewal-New Holland Tractor Repair Parts & Service_08152019
16-0131_CN_Martin Implement Sales Inc-New Holland Tractor Repair Parts & Service_10012017
16-0085_PO_Wex Bank_Fleet Fuel Card Services_1001216
16-0069R_CN_Stenstrom Petroleum Svcs Grp Renewal-Underground Fuel Storage Tank Monitoring_02202020
16-0069R_CN_Stenstrom Petroleum Svc sGrp-Underground Fuel Storage Tank Monitoring_04012017
16-0065_CN_The Saint Francis Group_Animal Carcass Disposal Services_07262016
16-0030_CN_CROWE LLP-Unclaimed Property Reporting Services_08102017
16-0030_CN_CROWE LLP Amendment-Unclaimed Property Reporting Services_10032018
16-0018_CN_Renewal Bridgeway Inc-Image Review Services_06082016
16-0018_CN_Bridgeway Inc-Image Review Services_06082016
15_0138RR_CN_Premier Specialties LLC-Fire Alarm Inspection Repair & Replace Parts_Renewal-Amen -01012021
15-0181_CN_FLUORECYCLE INC-Lamp Recycling-05152016
15-0181_CN_FLUORECYCLE INC Renewal-Lamp Recycling-05142019
15-0170_CN_MARKETING ALTERNATIVES INC-999 Cellular Express Line Call Center_10012017
15-0162R_CN_CROWN EQUIPMENT CORPORATION-Forklift Safety Inspections and Repairs_09012018
15-0158_CN_CLAIMSOLUTION INC-Damage Appraisal Services_08052016
15-0158_CN_CLAIMSOLUTION INC Renewal-Damage Appraisal Services_07312019
15-0138RR_CN_Premier Specialties LLC-Fire Alarm Inspection Repair & Replace Parts_03152017
15-0138RR_CN_Premier Specialties LLC-FireAlarm Inspection Repair & Replace Parts_ Renewal 2_2021
15-0135_CN_AVERUS INC-Hood Cleaning_05012016
15-0081H_CN_AnchorMechanical-Renewal1-Job Order Contracting_01282021
15-0081H_CN_Anchor Mechanical-Job Order Contracting_11192015
15-0081G_CN_McDonaghDemolition-Job Order Contracting_11192015
15-0081G_CN_McDonaghDemolition Renewal1-Job Order Contracting_01282021
15-0081F_CN_RobeInc-Renewal1-Job Order Contracting_01282021
15-0081F_CN_RobeInc- Job Order Contracting_11192015
15-0081C_CN_AGAE-Renewal1-Job Order Contracting_01282021
15-0081C_CN_AGAE-Job Order Contracting_11192015
15-0081B_CN_OldVeteranRenewal1_Job Order Cont_01282021
15-0081B_CN_OldVeteran_Job Order Contracting_11192015
15-0081A_CN_FHPashenRenewal1-Job Order Contracting_ 01282021
15-0081A_CN_FHPaschen-Job Order Contracting_11192015
15-0025_PO_Constellation-Bulk Electricity Systemwide_02282020
14-0047_PO_Motorola Solutions Inc-Dispatch Radio Console System Upgrade_11042014
13-0171_CN_Genuine Parts Co NAPA-Vendor Managed Inventory_03142014
13-0113_CN_Motor Grafx LLC-I Pass Gift Card and Packaging_11202014
13-0069_CN_GRM Informato Management Services of Chicago IL-Off Site Storage Services_08222014
12-0069_CN_MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC-Starcom21 Radio User Fees_07012012
Showing 1 to 5 of 25 results