Bids Bulletins Awards
Bids and Bulletins (PSBs)
Before you Begin the Bidding Process
The Toll Highway Act requires that the Tollway advertise procurements above the small purchase threshold in the State of Illinois Procurement Bulletin, which can be found here.
Bid Opening dates are subject to change. Interested firms should check the Tollway's Construction Contract Bid Letting Schedule for updates. The Bid Letting Schedule is updated every Friday.
Bid Schedules
Construction contract bid openings are streamed online. Final results are available below under "Construction Bid Results."
Important Bidding Information
For vendor registration and instruction visit the State Board of Elections website or call:
312-814-6440 or 217-782-4141.
Bid Opening
Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. CST
The bid opening will be held through Microsoft Teams.
Registration is required.
Go to the Link here. Use the following information to access the meeting.
Audio conference call in: US Toll +1 323-486-3157,, 534178606#
Phone conference ID: 534 178 606#
Meeting number: 216 244 889 868
Password: AL9xs6nh
Obtaining Copies of Plan Documents
Visit our Online Plan Room to view and/or purchase copies of plan documents from BHFX.
The Online Plan Room is the Tollway's mechanism for advertising and distributing construction contract documents and standard specifications to prospective Tollway bidders. The Online Plan Room also serves as the Tollway's construction contract document archive and provides for on-call printing services.
Registered users, contractors and vendors are able to view and/or purchase contract plan documents. First-time users can register at Once registered, a permanent identification and password will provide access to the Online Plan Room.
If you encounter any difficulties viewing or purchasing contract plan documents, please contact BHFX at 630-393-0777. Contract plans are no longer available for purchase at the Illinois Tollway offices.
Current Construction Bids
To view a list of the recent bids posted, visit the Tollway's Online Plan Room or contact BHFX at 630-393-0777.
Construction Bid Results
Construction Bid Awards and Change Orders
Additional information can be obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request with the Illinois Tollway.
Specifications and Special Provisions
Current Construction Specifications
Tollway Supplemental Specifications to IDOT Standard Specifications (Issued March 1, 2024) (pdf)
Price Index
Find current bituminous, fuel and steel price indices (IDOT)
Professional Services Bulletin
If you did not receive notice of a Professional Services Bulletin (PSB) via email and you would like to receive future PSBs, please email Catrice Hardwick-Giles here or call 630-241-6800 extension 4653.
Tentative Selection Results
Tentative selections below are posted solely as a courtesy and final selections and awards are expressly conditioned upon final procurement review, successful contract negotiations and executions, and Tollway Board approval.
Debriefings for Professional Services Bulletin (PSB)*
To schedule a Debriefing please email here. Include the following information in your email:
Company, Contact information (include name and phone number), PSB number and Item number.
*Please note that Debriefings will not be scheduled until after the item has been approved by the Tollway Board.
Quick Links
Archives |
Selection Results |
Trimble Unity Construct
What is Trimble Unity Construct?
Trimble Unity Construct (TUC) is a web-based project management (WBPM) system which is used by the Illinois Tollway and its partners to manage the various construction and design projects that are currently being undertaken as part of the Tollway’s Move Illinois Program.
With Trimble Unity Construct, project participants can exchange project related information, manage supporting documentation, and create/track the completion of business processes and tasks while creating an auditable project record.
As part of the project record users will be asked to submit RFI’s, Drawing Packages, Submittals, and various other types of documents into Trimble Unity Construct where they can be tracked and reviewed for approval.
How can I get access to Trimble Unity Construct?
Access to Trimble Unity Construct is only available to vendors who have been awarded a planning, design, construction or construction management contract with the Illinois Tollway. As part of their preparation to do work with the Illinois Tollway, vendors will be requested to designate a list of potential Trimble Unity Construct users from their project team. Once those users have been trained, they will receive login credentials which will allow them to access Trimble Unity Construct and begin using the system to manage their project.
Where can I find additional information about Trimble Unity Construct and the processes that the Illinois Tollway uses to manage its projects?
To find additional information about Trimble Unity Construct and the processes used as part of the Tollway's capital program, please follow one of the links below:
- Trimble Unity Construct Webnews
- Trimble Unity Construct User Manuals
- Trimble Unity Construct Quick Reference Guides
- Trimble Unity Construct Training Videos
Have more questions?
Please contact our Trimble Unity Construct Support Team