
Information security is one of our highest priorities. We use state-of-the-art software and other technologies to prevent unauthorized users from accessing our systems, especially those accessible from the Internet. One of the measures we take is the encryption of sensitive data. Following are descriptions of some of the layers of technology we employ to help ensure the confidentiality of your transactions:

  • Browser Encryption
  • Network Security and Monitoring

Browser Encryption

We require the use of a 128-bit secure browser to login to your account and perform transactions. Current versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari are all secure browsers.

If you are not using one of these browsers, or feel your browser does not meet the security requirements of (for instance if you receive a cipher error when trying to connect), please upgrade your browser software.

Remember that once you've downloaded the proper browser, you must install it on your computer. Follow the browser manufacturer's instructions that appear on your screen.

Secure browsers employ secure sockets layer (SSL) technology to communicate with servers. This technology encrypts—or scrambles—the communication (ie. your account information) so it's virtually impossible for anyone other than the Illinois Tollway to view it.

What is SSL?

SSL is a protocol designed by Netscape Communications Corporation to provide secure communications on the Internet. SSL does three things:
  • By convention, URLs that require an SSL connection start with https: instead of http:. (URLs are the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web.)
  • SSL authenticates that the server you have connected to is the one it purports to be. You can be assured that you are actually communicating with the Illinois Tollway, and not a third party trying to intercept the transaction.
  • SSL creates a secure communication channel by encrypting all communication between the user and the server.
  • SSL conducts a cryptographic word count to ensure data integrity between the server and the user. The word count or checksum provides a count of the number of bytes in a document and ensures the exact number of bytes is transmitted and received. With SSL, even this checksum is encrypted so it cannot be modified. If a message is not received in its entirety, it is rejected and another copy of the message is sent automatically.

How can I tell when my connection is secure?

The padlock or key icon on your browser, indicating a secure connection, should appear locked or connected AFTER you have successfully logged in to the website. The padlock icon may not appear locked on screens where you are not logged on and where we display general information about the site. However, you can be certain that any screen which displays or requests information about your account, username, password, application, or any other sensitive information is encrypted.

Network Security and Monitoring

Firewalls are used to shield our systems and proprietary networks from any unauthorized Internet traffic. The purpose of a firewall is to ensure only authorized traffic is allowed to pass to our systems and networks—all other traffic from the Internet is rejected. Firewalls also create logs of network traffic that allow for centralized auditing and security monitoring. Once your information has been entered, we use an encrypted network to transport data between all our systems to protect your personal information. Ensuring the security of your transactions is an ongoing process at the Illinois Tollway. As such, we employ around the clock security monitoring of our systems and networks.

Security Definitions

Encryption: A method of scrambling information while it moves from one source to another to prevent others from reading it.

Secure Browser: An Internet browser that has SSL encryption version 3.0 or higher to conduct secure financial transactions over the Internet.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL): A form of encryption that protects information being transmitted over the Internet to prevent tampering while it's in transit.

Online Purchasing: Buying goods or services over the Internet.

Secure Transaction: A transaction that is protected from outside tampering.

Firewall: Firewalls are used to shield our network from the Internet.

Cookies: A "cookie" is a small text file placed on your hard drive by our web page server. Cookies are commonly used on websites and do not harm your system.