I-490 Tollway

I-490/I-90 Interchange Project

The Illinois Tollway is building a new, full-access interchange that will connect the new I-490 Tollway to the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) in Des Plaines.

Construction began in the summer of 2018 and is scheduled to be complete in 2025.

In 2024, work will include completion of the bridge decks and bridge approaches, as well as roadway lighting and signage south of I-90.

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Construction Update (3/25/25)

Please check the Daily Construction Alert for up-to-date closure information.

Customer Impacts

On I-90, lane and shoulder closures will be necessary to provide a work zone and safely accommodate construction. Whenever possible, the Tollway uses traffic shifts and shoulders to keep as many lanes open during peak hours as were available before construction.

Work Zone Safety

The Illinois Tollway is committed to ensuring that the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) remains safe for both drivers and workers during construction, which is part of the agency’s overall commitment to roadway safety.

Work zone speed limits are in effect in all construction zones 24/7 and drivers should continue to watch for changing traffic patterns and use caution, especially when workers are present.


The new I-490 Tollway, coupled with the Illinois Route 390 Tollway which was completed in 2017, will connect businesses and communities with one of the nation’s busiest airports, transit facilities, major freight transportation hubs, distribution centers and multiple interstate highways including the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) and the Central Tri-State Tollway (I-294).


The Tollway is committed to building green and minimizing the environmental impact of construction by reducing, recycling and reusing materials. In addition to reducing the cost of this work, reuse of these materials reduces the need for virgin asphalt materials and reduces energy consumption, greenhouse gases and the volume of material that would otherwise be sent to landfills.

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